Picture book / Ages 3+ / 40 pages / 17 x 23 cm / 15 € / September 2023

The Little Careful Horse
Camille Floue & Camille Louzon

The adventures of an endearing yet slightly silly horse to be read like a nursery rhyme to the little ones. 

Little White Horse was warned by his grandmother: danger is everywhere! So, when he ventures into the woods, the sea or even under the ground, he is careful to be well equipped, and watches where he puts his feet. The naïve horse, however, has a very personal sense of the risk: focused on details, he comes close to the worst dangers without even realizing it! But he was born under a lucky star, and always gets by unharmed. Until that day, in the field, when the little horse greedily crunches a piece of grass and breaks its tooth! Well, yes, danger doesn’t always come from where you expect…

A fun, enjoyable questioning of the dangers of life set in spectacular settings.

Camille Floue
The author

Camille Floue was born in 1986. After studying literature and philosophy, she became a teacher. She writes stories, songs and rhymed stories. She published La Partie de cache-cache (Hélium, 2017) and La Dormeuse (Albin Michel Jeunesse, 2022), both illustrated by Vincent Pianina.

Camille Louzon
The illustrator

A graduate from the Arts Décoratifs of Strasbourg, Camille Louzon published the majority of her picture books at éditions Magnani, among which Iris des abysses (2018) and, more recently, Laïka, la véritable histoire de la première cosmonaute (2022). Her gouache paintings play with perspectives, are full of details and colourful. She lives in Paris, where she teaches fine arts in primary schools.