Fully-illustrated novel / Ages 6+ / 88 pages
17 x 24 cm / 18 €
May 2022
English translation available

Zarra Comes From the Sea
Gaëtan Dorémus

The uplifting story of the friendship between an amnesiac immigrant woman and a lively little girl.  

One morning, Zarra’s lifeboat washes up in a fishing village, leaving her unconscious on the rocks. When she wakes up, she mixes her words, can’t remember where she came from or even her own name. Still stunned, she meets Wendi, a spontaneous and generous child who takes her under her wing: she helps Zarra find a job at the canning factory where her parents work and housing in the “zone”, where the carcasses of big fish are recycled into colourful habitations. With time, their friendship made of games and fishing helps Zarra recover. But she still doesn’t know who she is… The kind koala chief could easily find out, but he warns her: does she really want to know?  

This heartfelt illustrated novel deals with the themes of immigration and precariousness with tenderness and humour, conveying the notions of solidarity, true friendship and second chance, making for a modern tale full of hope.

Gaëtan Dorémus
The author and illustrator

Born in 1971, Gaëtan Dorémus received his degree from the School of Decorative Arts in Strasbourg, in 1999. Since 2000, he has written and illustrated over twenty books published by Rouergue, Autrement, Albin Michel Jeunesse, Les Fourmis rouges. His book Chagrin d’ours was one of the New York Times’ Best Illustrated Children’s Books of 2012 and Frigo vide was awarded the Bologna Ragazzi Award in 2015.